The Corrupted Wish Game

highwayman said:
Granted, but you are hired to mow HomLan neibors grass...

Wish I had a bitch to slap around...

granted, but she has a gun and her own sense of justice...

I wish I could think of a good wish
Granted, but the beautiful girlfriend you wished for deserts you taking your wished for millions along for the ride and goes to live with the pool guy.

I wish I could stop laughing... laugh so hard that you choke on your lunch, turn blue and pass out.

I wish they'de turn up the heating in here.
Granted, but while posing for the lady of the house you trip over your pole, fall in the pool and drown after knocking yourself out on the way in...

I wish I had a nice hunky man to do my grocery shopping for me...
Granted, but he charges £375.00 per hour, and he's gay.

I wish I hadn't caught V2.0's stomach bug.
Granted, instead you've caught a severe case of chicken flu and spend the next 7 days clucking miserably and coughing up feathers...

I wish TBG Training hadn't lost my exam paper and I didn't have to sit the exam again... (Idiots!)
Granted, they accuse you of cheating and even without proof they kick you out of the class and all of your work goes for naught.

I wish I didn't have to go out of town nearly every other week for tournaments where I don't even really do anything.
Granted, you've been dropped from the team due to "inactivity". :lol:

I wish I'd bought unshelled peanuts...
Granted..but all the shells were empty and you're holding a bag of air.

I wish that I'd worn a shirt other than black today *so much dust in the air that it's now grey*
Granted, you wore a bright pink one with lime polkadots... yeuch!

I wish I didn't feel so tired...
Granted but your 2 year old triplets just woke up.

I wish southern California was hit with a blizzard and I had the ski concession...
Granted, but you're also held responsable for the 9452 automobile accidents caused because noone there knows how do drive in snow.

I wish I didn't have to spend the next two days levelling the co-op's sheds with a drunkard.
Granted, unfortunately it rained so much you're now up to your knees wading through mud and you have a new indoor swimming pool... your lounge... never mind, no hose pipe ban this year.

I wish I have more interesting things to talk about in my Myspace blog.
Granted, the collections are paid in sunflower seeds

I wish I hadn't slept all day leaving me wide awake tonight!
Granted, but your twins got into the mountain dew and have a caffein/sugar rush that lasts for two days..

Wish I was retired..
highwayman said:
Granted, but your twins got into the mountain dew and have a caffein/sugar rush that lasts for two days..

Wish I was retired..

Why are you constantly wishing twins on me????

Granted, you retire and the next day are hit by a train

I wish I wasn't allergic to anything! Espically dust, nature, mold, and cats!