Search results

  1. sbcanada

    My pussy needs a name, suggestions please!

    My new kitty needs a name, suggestions please! Got this adorable little creature yesterday. It's about 6-8 weeks old now. Haven't thought of a name yet, and would like some good suggestions. Names should be unisex since we don't know for sure whether it is a male or female (we think it's...
  2. sbcanada

    Speaking of OLD members...

    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack... wow it's been over 2 months since I last popped in for a brief chat... ;) I was one of the main dudes at HWC trying to get a place like this started. I was the 1st member to join OTC after the admins, fury and sam. I was the first and only moderator when the...
  3. sbcanada

    What time is it?!

    Time to Bomb Saddam! If you haven't seen this yet, you might get a kick out of it. :cocktail:
  4. sbcanada

    Winning WTC plan is taller than twin towers
  5. sbcanada

    'Mister Rogers' dies at age 74 :crying4:
  6. sbcanada

    What the hell is this?!

    I am totally clueless as to what "Brazier" could mean.... :confused:
  7. sbcanada

    Know of any free hosts with php, MYSQL?

    I'm looking for a free host for a gaming clan site. It needs php and MYSQL support. Has to be in English and allow Bulletin Boards. is crap and registration doesn't work. :(
  8. sbcanada

    Ottawa looking for way to can the spam I seriously hope they outlaw all unsolicited "spam mail" in Canada. Would be nice only to get email from those you know, or when you ASK to be sent emails from companies. :anibang:
  9. sbcanada


    Am going to make the switch from cable to ADSL. We call the phone company who provides ADSL and ask them to sign us up. They take our info and tell us they'll hook us up on Wednesday of next week. Then eventually, after taking all our info and asking us every damn question imaginable, they say...
  10. sbcanada

    Technical Support Idiots!

    Not sure if you people haven't seen this before, but it's pretty funny just in case you haven't. :evilgrin: Technical Support Idiots!
  11. sbcanada

    My New Home Network.

    I'm switching from Cable to ADSL. Why? Because my cable modem disconnects 20 times a day and apparently they can't fix it. They haven't a clue why it does it. :rolleyes: Anyhow, since we're switching, I am going to set up our network in our house a little differently. The closest phone jack...
  12. sbcanada

    1/3 of Canadians think the USA is the largest threat to world peace.

    Heard on the news (CTV) that a poll conducted revealed that one third of Canadians believe that the USA is the largest threat to world peace. I myself am one of them with the way the U.S. goes around threatening and bombing everyone. :bgtup:
  13. sbcanada

    Testing **Warning**

    I know some of you will enjoy this one. :cocktail: may cause system crashes, link removed - Justin Enjoy.
  14. sbcanada

    Miss me at all?

    Let me know either way... I may come around more often, or just contunue to stay away. ;)
  15. sbcanada

    Luis G....

    I have a complaint. You say "i can lock anything i don't agree with." Well actually, you are NOT supposed to lock anything that you do not agree with! That is not your job as a moderator! You are supposed to lock things that break the rules of this site, not things or conversations that you just...
  16. sbcanada

    Dear God Almighty... Part 2

    Not really. I am just willing to pass on his messages because I agree with some of his opinions. :anifingr:
  17. sbcanada

    Dear God Almighty...

    s4 wanted me to deliver this message to you. Please don't shoot the messenger. :D From s4: "next time you speak to GOD over there, tell him that I said he is a boob. he kicked me out for the same thing he is doing and he should kick himself out. tell him that i called him a dumbass"
  18. sbcanada

    A forum created by SB...

    Check out my Off Topic forum: :cocktail: :rofl2: Attachment(s): litterboxpic.gif, 6.96kb
  19. sbcanada

    Congrats to me for reaching 2,000 posts!

    I guess no one else cares, so I'll party by myself. :P :toast: :band:
  20. sbcanada

    Which is your favorite BB?

    Be honest now. :)