No favortism towards Islam, huh

Where did sponsored come from?

'recognized as a legitimate religion' is more apt.

We're spared the Church of Kiddie Porn/Free Love/Potheads Rejoice, and I'm glad of it.
Yet people'd happily bitch when

Well, say a kid comes to school with child porn in his backpack, then produces literature from the Almighty Church of the Glorious Reformation which requires all adherents to possess visual reproductions of the naked child Tabitha, who is their diety, as this celebrates the inner beauty and innocence the adherents strive for

We'll stop bitching when gov't gets out of religion. Either you protect all or you protect none. This story, and so many like it, show favortism towards a particular that is a basis of war against the western world, including Canada.
Leslie said:
Where did sponsored come from?

'recognized as a legitimate religion' is more apt.

We're spared the Church of Kiddie Porn/Free Love/Potheads Rejoice, and I'm glad of it.

I'd sure be interested to take a look at this list. any chance of a link?

A charter school in Florida has added an Islamic holiday to its calendar of days off next year.

The move came one month after the school's district drew national attention with a decision to avoid pressure from Muslims by eliminating all closures coinciding with religious holidays. The decision later was reversed after massive protest.

Board members for Terrace Community School in Tampa Wednesday night put Eid al-Fitr – the last day of the Muslim observance Ramadan – on the school's 2006-7 schedule, the Tampa Tribune reported. About 5 percent of the school's 352 students are Muslim.

Ain't diversity grand?

so if them bastardos light off a nuke in
one of our cities, will we have a season
complete with a lotto system like you have
when getting a tag for deer?

I'd sure as hell put in!

Would it be that you'd get two for the burqua
wearin' one's cuz they tend to breed?

wonder how'd it look mounted over the fireplace?

the mortuary guys could double as taxidermists

it's gonna be grand!
In further news...I have this to say. If the Chaplain is praying for himself, and others of Christian faith, or in an open forum, he should be permitted to pray as he was ordained. If said Chaplain is praying over someone other than Christian, he should use prayers for their religion.
Gato_Solo said:
So all that talk by the left about the seperation of church and state, and all the protesting when a cross is put up on a highway, or a nativity scene is placed in the town square...all that is okay, right?
Where the hell did that come from?

I was just laughing at the joke about the christians being under attack and muslims having free reign. It was funny.
flavio said:
Where the hell did that come from?

I was just laughing at the joke about the christians being under attack and muslims having free reign. It was funny.

Of course you were. According to you, and others of your ilk, anything about the Christian religion seems to be a joke...You rail against anything mainstream, and permit anything you think is diversity. Here's a really good clue for ya'...Where does Jesus fit into the Islamic religion?
Gato_Solo said:
Of course you were. According to you, and others of your ilk, anything about the Christian religion seems to be a joke...You rail against anything mainstream, and permit anything you think is diversity. Here's a really good clue for ya'...Where does Jesus fit into the Islamic religion?

You might take my head for me answering a question to him but he is considered a Prophet. I think in the Qu'aran though he is Isa which is how his name is translated. Most religions have their pitfalls, though offer some good. I tend to believe though that as a rule religion causes more harm than good, and I tend not to take it too seriously.
freako104 said:
You might take my head for me answering a question to him but he is considered a Prophet. I think in the Qu'aran though he is Isa which is how his name is translated. Most religions have their pitfalls, though offer some good. I tend to believe though that as a rule religion causes more harm than good, and I tend not to take it too seriously.

Why would I take your head for answering correctly?
Gato_Solo said:
Why would I take your head for answering correctly?

Cause it was directed at Flavio. It kind of takes him off the spot if you will that the argument you and him had was seeiming to.
freako104 said:
Cause it was directed at Flavio. It kind of takes him off the spot if you will that the argument you and him had was seeiming to.

I had the feeling he wasn't going to answer anyway. :devious:
Gato_Solo said:
I had the feeling he wasn't going to answer anyway. :devious:

Gee, wonder why? Maybe because the argument is full of holes and he knows it? story said:
When people point out to Leftists how intolerant their attacks on Christmas are, what do they do? Increasingly they deny that such attacks happen! Denial is an old Freudian defence mechanism and Leftists have never been very comfortable with reality (which is why they are so keen on censoring it) so I cannot say that I am surprised by such a response but it sure must take some huge mental gymnastics to dismiss as unimportant or non-existent such examples as the four below (Taken from Deroy Murdock):

* In Manhasset, N.Y., Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman upbraided a Catholic priest who appeared at a Dec. 2 Christmas festival. "We're here to celebrate the holiday tree lighting," Kaiman said after Father Nick Zientarski offered a blessing. "This is not the place for a religious ceremony." Kaiman apologized after he unleashed a maelstrom.

* Centennial, Colo.'s Heritage Elementary School banned cookies shaped like Christmas symbols, candy canes bearing religious messages, and teacher and student references to seasonal gatherings as "Christmas" parties.

* A Memphis, Tenn., public library allowed a Nativity scene _ provided Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were excluded. (Manger, yes. Messiah, no.) Attorneys persuaded the library to reverse this decision.

* Much as "Uncle Joe" [Stalin] erased his enemies from photos of VIPs taken atop Lenin's Tomb, Stalinists at Ridgeway Elementary School in Dodgeville, Wis., airbrushed the lyrics to "Silent Night." Children in its "Winter Program" instead sang these bastardized words: "Cold in the night, no one in sight/winter winds whirl and bite/How I wish I were happy and warm/safe with my family, out of the storm."