The Corrupted Wish Game

highwayman said:
Granted but your only transportation is a bikecycle..

Wish I could win the lottery jackpot...

Granted, but you have to send me a 10% finder's fee up front to release the funds.

I wish you were that gullible.
Granted, but the check bounces and you get charged for it.

I wish that the walls here at work were more soundproofed
MrBishop said:
Granted, but the check bounces and you get charged for it.

I wish that the walls here at work were more soundproofed
Granted, but now ... noone can hear you scream.

I wish ...... for an uncorrupted wish.
Granted...all your dreams come true...unfortunatly, starting with the one about you falling from a high place.

I wish that I could look into the near future.
Granted, but now you're stuck about 10 seconds ahead and every time you think you're stopping for a red light you get rear-ended.

I wish I had taken this week off.
highwayman said:
Granted but it was last week....

Wish I had a full tank of gas in the toyota....

Granted...the tank is now full of Carbon Dioxide...

I wish I had a better computer at work...
Stop Laughing said:
Granted, they are used as a part of your log cabin. Lighting it could be disastrous...

I wish this house would clean itself.

granted, it is now clean, and spotless, and lying on top of a witch...damn tornados.

I wish I was not tired
Granted, you get run over by a bulldozer instead of a car's tires.

I wish I had an umbrella to stop the tomatoes I'm bound to receive for that one.
granted, but it is a fuzzy pink parasol, and attracts even more tomatoes, and even lead pipes from those large guys who wear leather pants, yet can't admit to themselves they are actually gay.

I wish I could spell better.
Granted, but now you can't spell anything but 'better'.

I wish they would realize that they're all gay so they'd go to their bar or whatever and let me get away.
Granted, but now you've attracted the attention of the local cops as you speed away and a large speeding fine ensues.

I wish I had someone to make me breakfast in bed...
Aunty Em said:
Granted, but now you've attracted the attention of the local cops as you speed away and a large speeding fine ensues.

I wish I had someone to make me breakfast in bed...

granted, a wizard stops by, and poof you are now eggs and bacon.

I wish I thought of something better than that
paul_valaru said:
granted, a wizard stops by, and poof you are now eggs and bacon.

I wish I thought of something better than that

Granted, you said it was the indian from the village people with the cop as back up and the breakfast was green eggs and sausages....:sex:

Wish I could own a Carribian Island....:grinyes:
highwayman said:
Granted, you said it was the indian from the village people with the cop as back up and the breakfast was green eggs and sausages....:sex:

Wish I could own a Carribian Island....:grinyes:

Granted... it's about the size of a tennis court and disappears beneath the waves at high tide.

I wish I would stop staying up so late at night...