Recent content by Oz

  1. O

    Troll Central.

    I have no idea about the current administration policies on PiL. If an admin makes a decision one way or another (or even changes their mind on a decision) is none of my business :shrug: The only way it affects me is if I wish to go with their decisions, or quit the forums :lloyd: As I...
  2. O

    Troll Central.

    Good grief really do get irate about the tiniest little thing :nerd: Of course it was a cheap shot......I'd taken a few here after I left I pulled one back, it was hardly declaring WWIII was it? :alienhuh: I do like the reaction of banning all OTC and PiL...
  3. O

    FAO Starya and anyone else!

    That's deffo right on me doorstep.......Newton A. is one of my old stomping grounds...a matey of mine and his missus still lives in Woodham (kinda suburb of Aycliffe) :swing:
  4. O

    FAO Starya and anyone else!

    It's possible....doubtfull tho'....dont' think me family had much to do with Darlo or soapdodgers :D
  5. O

    FAO Starya and anyone else!

    Those poor people :( *lives 15mins from Darlington :D
  6. O

    next step...

    I dunno who writes your history books.......but I suggest you do a search for Senator Prescott Bush.....who's company was hurridly closed in 1942 and educate yourself.
  7. O

    This really isn't acceptable is it.

    Nah, fuck that, it's raining outside. You drink yerself into oblivion hun, I found it quite an interesting way to lose a decade or so :drink: :nerd: Such is the way of life Claire :swing: I do feel sympathetic, but I also know yer can do better than an old man with brain damage, or an...
  8. O

    This really isn't acceptable is it.

    I might......and yer know I'm big and daft enough to do it :P Well, it looks like yer gonna get a big "cooling off" period of one form or another now do yer get in these situations? even I never managed to get in trouble via the 'net ;)
  9. O

    This really isn't acceptable is it.

    Hello stranger! long time no-see :swing: Hope life is full of sunshine, smiles and sexiness for ya :winkkiss:
  10. O

    This really isn't acceptable is it.

    Well, I never been one to candy-coat summit :lloyd: I need a lass like this....most of 'em come with baggage that don't get unwrapped for years :alienhuh: OK, disregard my last post....dump him....dump him quick....does he have no idea wot happens to drunk young lasses who pass out...
  11. O

    This really isn't acceptable is it.

    Feck.....surprised I wasn't banned from here after the troll "jokes" and other shite in the shoutbox..... Claire, I swear to god yer as soft as shite :P Give yaselves a break from each other....a week....fortnight....a month. Don't be a wet fart and run straight to him. Go out. Have...
  12. O

    my absence

    My first thoughts when I read this thread were "Oh shit, I hope she's saved her music!" :D
  13. O

    webmail or local client?

    Messenger Pigeon :retard:
  14. O

    so my kid finds this newt

    :rofl: Aye....the tend to do that when yer not looking :D
  15. O

    Christopher Reeve died

    A brave man :( RIP