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  1. Vortex


    Hi, my name is Vortex, and I've been MIA for 1-2 years... bet no one noticed :P
  2. Vortex

    My "delightful" country

    I can't belive what I just found?!! Got it from a news site here, and it's pretty accurate with it's reporting, so I don't think that this is a hoax... :( STEAL FROM THE WHITES
  3. Vortex


    Happy Birthday Dude!! :D Hope you have an amazing day!! ^_^ :hug:
  4. Vortex

    South Park Quote

    Something random to waste time on ;) Touch Me, Dear ;)
  5. Vortex

    HELP!! Love Survey - PLEASE fill in!!

    Greetings :D Okay, I am here to ask for the help of those here who are willing to take some time out of their busy day to answer these questions for me. I am conducting a research project for my one subject at university, on the way that parent's relationships affect the way in which thier...
  6. Vortex


    HOWZIT!! Welcome to OTC :headbng2: :headbng2: :headbng2: :headbng2: :headbng2:
  7. Vortex

    Relationship Influences...

    Just had a thought, and I'd like your guys input in on it of possible :) When it comes to your personal relationships, that being with SO's and such, do you think that the other relationships in your life, (like that of your grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, or even those of your peers)...
  8. Vortex

    LONG survey about you... comeon, do it!

    1. Name: Melissa 2. Backwards: Assilem 3. Date: 18 July, 2003 4. Birthdate: June 27, 1984 5. So, exactly how old are you?: 19 and a month... or so 6. If you could change your name, what would you change it too?: Her Royal Galactic Supremness, Melissa :) ... *giggles* 7. What's your religon?: My...
  9. Vortex

    Quick Shower Survey

    1 .Do you start the water and then get in or get in and start the water? --Both... it's not an exact science 2.Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? --Yes 3.Do you moan like the people on the Herbal Essence commercials? --No, that's just STUPID :) 4.Have you ever showered with...
  10. Vortex

    What would you do if...

    Someone that you've become very good friends with over the last year doesn't seem to want to talk to you because you started oing out with one of their their best friend? Okay, I realise I sortta whine alot here, but this is something that's really starting to bug me. You see, a year ago, I...
  11. Vortex

    Ghetto speak

    Greetings t'everyone out dair dat maybe eyeballin' dis, I is fixin' t' show yo' ass da haid-scratches o' snatchin' some ratha' well put togetha' sentence an' complet-like messin' it down. Have some peek in da house 4 da translata' I 'esploited t' make dis whole tiny-ass blerb. The Transaltor...
  12. Vortex

    Saddam from Iraq...

    You all know the smash his "Jenny from the Bronx" (or something corney on the lines of that) by J Lo (or whatever she's calling herself now), now comes the sequel: Saddam from Iraq :lol: :headbng2: :lol: Check it out ;)
  13. Vortex

    For the Americans

    :) Okay, sorry for singling you lot out, but I"m just very curious. (and sorry for yet ANOTHER war related thread ;) ) You see, no offence or anything, but LOTS of people think that every single one of you are Pro-War... (Still not sure if this is a good or bad thing though, so I won't...
  14. Vortex

    Books and Movies

    Okay, here's something that I've been thinking about. What book would you most like to see made into a movie? Me- Hitch Hickers Guide To The Galaxy ^_^
  15. Vortex


    Well everyone, my computer gave me a wonderful Valentine's present yesterday... a VIRUS!! :( :crying6: I've sortted it out thankfully, but as a result hae lost EVERYTHING! :-( (sortta like losing an arm, or what I believe being castrated would feel to a guy! :alienhuh: ) So here's...
  16. Vortex


  17. Vortex

    If you're happy and you know it - bomb Iraq

    To the tune of that joyful toddler's standard - "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands") .... If you cannot find Osama, bomb Iraq. If the markets are a drama, bomb Iraq. If the terrorists are frisky, Pakistan is looking shifty, North Korea is too risky, Bomb Iraq...
  18. Vortex


    Okay, I need you all to rake your brains, and tell me... does anyone know of a webhost that I can use for my website, that is relativley ad-free, and gives a decent about of space? (also, since I have no credit card, being free would help :) ) Thanks.
  19. Vortex

    Well it had to happen sometime...

    Guess I'm a Veteran Poster now :P :headbng2:
  20. Vortex


    Thought this could be fun (just don't yell at me if it isn't) If you have recieved a funny SMS, post it here to share with others! :D